Demon Slayer Logo
Demon Slayer is a popular Japanese series of anime and manga. Original manga was published in 2016-2020, while the first season of anime based on it aired in 2019. The story is about a teen who lives in a world infested by demons. After his family was slaughtered by them, he went off to become a professional demon hunter, or slayer.
Meaning and History
Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) is a popular series of Japanese manga. The first issue was in February 2016, and the series ended on May 2020. There was also an anime adaptation that came out back-to-back in the mid-2019. Both media received critical acclaim and are considered mainstream.
The story is set in Japan of early 20th century. The main character, Tanjiro Kamado, witnesses his family killed off by demons and his sister turn into one. He vouches to become a demon hunter from then on, joining an organization that specializes in it. He’s joined on his adventures by two fellow hunters, whose exploits often prove comedic.
What is Demon Slayer?
Demon Slayer is a series of manga and anime that came out in 2016 and 2019 respectively. The anime became one of the top-viewed anime series overall, and an instant classic to many. It’s praised for its multifaceted story, unique pleasant graphic and outstanding comedy.
2016 – today
The anglicized logo of the show depicts a left-facing crimson crescent with an inner black layer. In it, the designers inserted the show’s name. The ‘Demon Slayer’ part is written using tattered, jagged serif letters – all uppercase. The second bit of the name, the Japanese name ‘Kimetsu no yaiba’ is placed below. These letters use a more typical sans-serif style.
Font and Color
The main logo has two distinct text styles. One is used for the English name – written in two big lines. The letters used in this fragment are capitalized, and the outside letters are additionally enlarged. The style looks jagged, cut haphazardly and overall gory. It alludes to the anime’s own brutal visuals.
The other font is just a regular thin sans serif, used for the Latinized original name below the main thing. Both are black, although the crescent around also uses blood red.