WhatsApp Logo
WhatsApp was launched in 2009, and it quickly became a go-to messenger service. It allows you a quick access you all of the contacts on your mobile phone, extensive communication features and a stable connection. Although it’s not really a social network, WhatsApp is often addressed as one.
Meaning and History
The logic behind the name is simple. ‘What’s up’ is a common way of greeting someone, and ‘app’ is a mobile application. They just combined the two, so the nature of the messenger is immediately clear to everyone who sees the name – more or less. And for those who didn’t get the gist, the logo helps clear things out.
2009 – today (icon)
The icon (used as a mobile shortcut icon and often as a brand logotype) is a round speech bubble – originally used in comic books, but now largely associated with speaking in general.
It’s usually colored in green, although various versions can bleach or darken the color, as well as add gradients and shading to the icon. In general, however, the green and its variations are used 99% of the time.
Inside the speech bubble, you’ll find an old-fashioned phone-received pained white. If the icon is made black-and-white, then it’s usually black.
2009 – today (text)
The color of text part can vary, although it’s often dark or pale green. The font is pretty basic and straight-forward. In addition, it doesn’t use an apostrophe, so it just reads ‘WhatsApp’.
Emblem and Symbol
There are also several other variations of this logo. Most have something on which the main element is place – such as a green square. In this instances, the bubble symbol doesn’t change a color at all, it’s just given a thick enough white outline to stand out against an equally green shape around the emblem.