Google Classroom Logo

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Google Classroom was firstly launched on January 14, 2015. Its creators are Zach Yeskel – the former high school math teacher, and Mr. Rochelle – the owner of the idea of building Google educational apps in general. The main aim of the site is to help students and professors to establish a stable and reliable channel for creating and sharing information.

Meaning and history

Google Classroom Logo history

Google Classroom is an online learning platform introduced by Google in 2014. The platform was developed as a means to coordinate and organize communication and assignments between students and teachers. It has become particularly popular during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Google Classroom originates from the internal project called ‘Project Einstein.’ It was system designed to help Google employees manage their assignments and cooperate with more efficiency. Some employees saw the benefit of implementing a similar mechanism for the outer world.

What is Google Classroom?
Google Classroom is a system released by Google in 2014 designed to help schools organize work and facilitate better communication between teachers and pupils. The comfort and free-of-charge accessibility made Google Classroom extremely popular during the Covid-19 lockdown, explaining its current fame.

2014 – 2016

Google Classroom Logo-2014

Google Classroom got its first logo in the year it was founded. It was a semblance of school wallboard with three figures of people drawn on it, symbolizing students. The board has a thick yellow outline and the color of the board itself resembles a dark green. In its lower right corner, can also be noticed a white rectangular sponge, which is usually to clean everything that is written on the board. This logo was successfully applied until 2016.

2016 – present

Google Classroom Logo

The current logo is only slightly different from the original. The edges of the frame have become even thicker, and the size of the image of the people has decreased. The color palette has also been updated: colors have become lighter and softer. For example, the board color changed from dark green to light turquoise, and the frame color became brighter.

Font and Color

Google Classroom Emblem

The system’s name design uses the regular Google font, next to the current Google logo – both painted grey. The latter’s font is the usual geometric sans-serif, while the project’s own fragment is a simple clean sans-serif used by the majority of other projects released by Google.

As for the rest of the logo, the palette is mostly bright green, yellow and white for the board, frame and chalk respectively. The colors are simple, vivid and basic.