Zoom Logo

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Zoom has long been one of the many online video conference applications. However, since the Pandemic struck, it has become exceptionally prominent as a solution for distance schooling and work. Its capabilities to hold multiuser conferences are what made this software so useful.

Meaning and History

Zoom Logo history

Zoom started back in 2011 and grew to moderate popularity. It wasn’t until 2020, however, that this application became one of the most popular tools for speaking with people at long distances, alongside Discord and Skype. The name meaning is nothing exceptional – it simply points at the fact that Zoom focuses on video chatting.

What is Zoom?
Zoom is a video conferencing and communication technology company that provides online meeting, webinar, and chat services. It enables users to connect and collaborate remotely, facilitating seamless communication and virtual interactions.

2011 – 2013

Zoom Logo 2011

Initially, the Zoom platform featured a logo with prominent dark blue lettering of its domain, “zoom.us,” while a smaller black text stating the motto, “We can see clearly now,” appeared at the bottom. Positioned on the left side was a dark blue circle with a gradient, within which a white video camera with a blue “Z” was incorporated.

2013 – 2014

Zoom Logo 2013

In 2013, the branding transitioned to a concise brand name format, featuring closely spaced letters in a bubble-style typeface, all in dark blue. The circular element with the camera remained but no longer included the letter “Z.”

2014 – 2022

Zoom Logo 2014

The developers opted for simplicity, featuring the platform’s name in lowercase without any additional elements. This clean and memorable design has become a distinctive hallmark of the program and serves as the recognizable wordmark for Zoom Video Communications Corporation, the owner of this innovative product and all associated branding rights.

The Zoom logo showcases light blue lettering with rounded corners, embodying the brand’s core principles of minimalism, simplicity, and boldness. The design and typeface were carefully crafted by the marketing team, which also approved the sole authorized version of the logo: the blue word “zoom” on a white background. Any variations with additional elements, modifications, or alterations in color are considered breaches of the brand’s guidelines.

The color palette centers around the original Zoom Blue shade (#2D8CFF), a distinctive azure hue. This color is prominently featured in the lettering against a clean white backdrop (#FFFFFF). This combination underscores the wordmark’s minimalist aesthetic, reinforcing Zoom’s commitment to bold simplicity. This cool blue hue extends across all aspects of the video telephony service, serving as a focal point in the company’s website design, software interface, and promotional materials.

2022 – Today

Zoom Logo

The main official logo for the brand has long been just their name written in special fluid blue letters. They are all in lowercase, although sometimes they can be pictures bigger than normal, which makes them look enormous.
The design of the letters is pretty attractive, which is probably why it was never changed. In addition to the fluid movement and lack of minor details, some angles on the letters are also sharp, which stands in a stark contrast to the round shape of most other letter elements.

Emblem and Symbol

Symbol Zoom

Obviously, a lot of people would much rather recognize the brand by the icon they use for their applications. It’s a blue circle with a white old-fashioned TV camera inside – basically a rectangle with a trapezoid attached to the side of it.
Sometimes the circle can become a rounded square or the color can change to different shades of blue – but that’s the general layout.