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Tags: Canada | Crea | realtor is a website founded in 1995 as a closed network for the National Association of realtors. A year after, it transformed into a public website, which provides services such as buying and selling real estate property. Generally, if you wanted to buy a house in America, you’d contact these people.

Meaning and History

As the website primarily was supposed to be a network for the realtors, the name ‘’ was obvious (seeing as it hasn’t been occupied by anyone yet, it was taken immediately). Their emblems use delicate and professional style without any extra details to match the purpose.

What is is a leading online real estate marketplace in the United States. It provides a platform for homebuyers, sellers, and renters to browse and search for properties, connect with real estate agents, and access comprehensive listing information and tools.

1996 – Today

Realtor com Logo

The logo of the website represents its name written in the classic delicate font with serifs, and the emblem placed left from the inscription. The logo uses two colors: red for the emblem and the ‘real’ part of the inscription, and the black color for ‘’. The emblem itself depicts the coral red house and the letter ‘r’ inside it.

Emblem and Symbol

Realtor com Symbol

There’s another version of the logo. It was created mostly in the gray color and used another typeface in the inscription. The emblem in this logo still had the house, which was stylized as an object on the Google Maps. However, this logo is not in use for some reason.