Esterline Logo

Esterline Technologies is the major manufacturer of engineering and computing products for aerospace, military and other branches that require high-tech equipment to work with on a daily basis. Independent for the longest time, they’ve been recently acquired by TransDigm Corporation.

Meaning and History

Created in 1906 by the engineer called John Esterline, the company got its name directly from him. It was the major producer of computing parts and other equipment that requires a good deal of research. The company was bought off by TransDigm – another big player in engineering – in 2019.

What is Esterline?
Esterline Technologies Corporation was a global manufacturer specialized in aerospace and defense products. They provided a wide range of solutions, including avionics, controls, sensors, and human-machine interface systems. However, Esterline was acquired by TransDigm Group Incorporated.

2018 – today

Esterline Logo

Weirdly, the company doesn’t seem to have any substantial logotypes before around 2018.

The one they started using past that point depicts the company name, Esterline, in the usual sans-serif script of the color blue. Except for two episodes where the line on little ‘e’ letters doesn’t touch itself, there are no special quirks about this typeface.

Emblem and Symbol

There’s a neat detail about both the emblem and the lettering. The last ‘e’ letter makes up one of the four curves in the company’s emblem. They put it right next to the lettering for this reason precisely. There are four curved triangular shapes that leave a cross-like negative space in the middle. And in the middle of this space is an orange ball – likely an atom.